The Fast Growing Digital Mission Field & How Churches Are Uniquely Positioned To Take Advantage - Sermon Shots

The Fast Growing Digital Mission Field & How Churches Are Uniquely Positioned To Take Advantage

Churches are in a prime position to take advantage of the growing digital mission field. With the rise of short-form video content on social media platforms, churches have the opportunity to reach a wider audience through their sermons.

The Traditional Digital Mission Field

Full-length sermons get very little reach on social media because people are not coming to these platforms to watch long videos. Shorter videos do better but posting them in a traditional way still has limited reach.

The Fast-Growing Digital Mission Field

However, with the current trend of short-form video (Reels, Shorts, Tiktok, etc), there is an opportunity to reach people in a new way. People are spending hours a day watching 30-90 second videos, and if churches can create engaging, entertaining, and intriguing content in short form, they can capture the attention of non-believers.

The Time is Now

Historically, social media platforms offer great reach for free in the beginning but eventually reduce it to encourage businesses to pay for it. Churches should take advantage of this opportunity for free reach while it lasts.

The Churches Unique Opportunity

Your church already possesses a wealth of valuable content – your sermons.

This eliminates the need for generating new content and allows you to utilize what you already have.

The only step left is to extract the most impactful 30-90 second segments from your sermons.

Making Short-From Videos

Creating short-form video clips has never been easier, thanks to the new technology from Sermon Shots. With their user-friendly platform, you can create everything you need in just 5 minutes, whether you’re a beginner or an expert.

See just how easy it is here

Get a head start by taking advantage of the 2 free clips available here. And then you will see how easy it is for your Church to keep doing this week after week.

Don’t miss the chance to leverage the power of short-form video in the digital mission field and reach a wider audience with your message.

What Customers are Saying About Sermon Shots

“It makes me feel better about the quality of content I can put out for my church.”

“What used to take me 2 hours to do now takes me 2 minutes to do.”

“Makes our social media presence so much better.”

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