7 Ways Small Churches Can Embrace Technology - Sermon Shots

7 Ways Small Churches Can Embrace Technology

A pink to orange background with the text 7 Ways Small Churches Can Embrace Technology

There’s no denying the role social media plays in society. It’s shaped, molded, and influenced us and churches too. Without a social media platform, your church is practically invisible online. While social media can be intimidating, establishing a presence online is easier than you think. There are simple but effective ways churches can embrace church technology that will make a big impact. Let’s get started!

1. Livestream Services

Live streaming services are a great way to connect those who are unable to make it to the service. Even when folks are sick, on vacation, or tied up with work, they still want to feel connected with God. It’s a way for them to be a part of something!

2. Start A Podcast

The popularity of podcasts has skyrocketed over the years. Podcasts are a great way for people to unwind, listen when driving, and tune in when working out. Folks like to listen to a faith-based podcast to help get them through the day. You can share powerful messages, scriptures, and interview individuals with inspiring stories.  

3. Post Consistently On Social Media 

By not consistently posting high-quality content, your social media reach will decrease. If you only post once in a while, your online presence will drastically diminish. Posting content on certain days will hold you accountable for staying on schedule. It will also get your audience excited to see what you’ll post that day. 

4. Set Up A Blog

Setting up a blog is another great way to extend your community’s reach, increase traffic, and encourage engagement. Through blogs, you’ll be able to share announcements, and sermon recaps, advertise events, uplift folks with inspiring stories, and share powerful written messages. 

5. Implement Online Donations

Allowing members to financially contribute also connects online attendees to all aspects of church life. Make sure donors are receiving a quarterly giving statement to include with their taxes!   

6. Send Out Emails

Emails are one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach people. Most folks have email set up on their phone, so they will have access to your email in no time. While most people think of “spam” when they think of emails, you can change that for them. Instead of constantly promoting, as most emails do, you can send monthly newsletters, prayers, or announcements. Target your audience and tailor your emails to what would appeal to them most. 

7. Post Short Clips Of Your Sermons

When scrolling through social media on your lunch break to find a little inspiration to help you get through the rest of your day, you’ll likely have more time to check out a 2-minute clip than an hour-long sermon. A short clip gets the message across in a concise manner. They are also more likely to share the message and engage with it if it’s simple and to the point. Get your message out into the world to spread the word of God and connect with your followers through a unique clip of your sermon

Embrace Technology With Sermon Shots

Technology has the power to strengthen your congregation’s faith, deepen their connection, and encourage others to join your church. To get the most out of social media, it’s important your content is high-quality and captures your audience’s attention. One of the best ways to maximize your video content is with Sermon Shots. Sermon Shots is a simple tool that helps you edit your sermon clips in just a few short steps. The days of spending an unbearable amount of time editing your clips are over! In just 4 easy steps, you’ll have top-notch and unique short clips. If you’re looking for a way to get the most out of technology, Sermon Shots is the way to go.

Embrace Church Technology by using sermon shots

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