7 Essential Ways To Prepare A Sermon - Sermon Shots

7 Essential Ways To Prepare A Sermon

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The process of preparing for a sermon is hard work. When stress creeps in, so does burnout. Stumbling over words, incomplete thoughts, and a potential for error are all possible outcomes when you don’t prepare a sermon ahead of time. While it may seem too good to be true, it doesn’t have to be this way. With a set sermon preparation process and a weekly plan to follow, the inspiration will come back, and you’ll be ready and prepared to preach the word of God.

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1. Choose A Topic

Choosing the right topic for the week can be challenging. While your choice of topic for discussion is practically endless, narrowing down which one you want for that week can be difficult. The best way to get started is to clear your mind, pray, and seek guidance from God. Before choosing a topic, think back on whether there are any special occasions or historical events relevant for you to tie into your teachings. If there aren’t any special occasions, you can reflect on your congregation and think about a passage or story that will motivate them and connect them closer to God.

2. Perform Research

Once you have a topic in mind, the next step is to perform your research. Look up scriptures, quotes, illustrations, stories, or pull from personal experiences that correlate to your topic. If you’re using passages, highlight them and reread them. The best way your congregation will learn from your message is if you fully know and understand the passage you’re preaching.

3. Consider Your Audience

Now that you have a topic, you’ll want to ensure you tailor your message to your audience. If your congregation is a younger crowd, maybe include relatable examples or stories in your sermon, like a modern movie or song. Folks will be able to connect better when they understand and know the references.

4. Create An Outline

Organizing your sermon is a great way to compile all of the information you want to include so you don’t forget anything you want to touch base on. You can either create an outline or use sticky notes and jot down your main points. You don’t have to write out a script, but at least with an outline, you’ll have a foundation for your sermon.

5. Fine Tune The Message

Next, you’ll want to go through your sermon and tweak it where necessary. Chances are you won’t be 100% satisfied with the first run-through. While you run through your sermon, make notes of what you want to change and then add in the edits. You may want to go through your sermon a few times to refine it.

6. Practice

You’ll want to practice your sermon to set a steady flow, become familiar with the material, and establish a pace. You don’t want your sermon to be too short, but you also don’t want it to be too long either – that’s when you’ll lose the attention of your audience.

7. Deliver Your Sermon

Finally, you’ll preach your sermon. Since you’ve fully prepared, outlined, refined, and practiced your sermon, you’re more than ready to deliver a powerful and impactful message to your congregation.

Don’t Forget To Record Your Sermon

After all of the hard work you put into preparing for your sermon, you don’t want to forget to record it. Recording your sermon will give those who were unable to attend a chance to see and experience your message. You can also edit your sermon into a short clip and add it to your primary social media platforms. Short clips of your sermons can boost engagement, provide easy accessibility, and it’s an easy way to promote your church.

You can make short clips of your sermons on Sermon Shots in just a few simple steps. You’ll have the opportunity to add a design, captions, music, and your logo to your short clip. Sermon Shots will get your videos to stand out. Together, we will get your videos the attention they deserve.

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