Automatically turn your sermon into 10 clips, but maintain your creativity and divine inspiration


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Upload Your Sermon

Uploading your sermon is simple! All you need to do is select the video file from your computer or grab the link from YouTube. Click the upload button and let the magic happen. You can expect the upload and transcription process to complete in about 10% the length of the video you have selected.

AI Suggested Clips
Gets to Work

Once your video is uploaded, AI becomes your creative partner. With Sermon Shots’ suggested clips, you can effortlessly transform a lengthy sermon into bite-sized, engaging video clips. We carefully analyze your content, highlighting the most impactful moments, and suggest concise, attention-grabbing snippets capturing the essence of your message. But you keep full control over the final outcome!

10+ Suggestions

This innovative tool not only saves you time, but ensures your audience stays captivated and connected, making sharing wisdom easier than ever before.


Customizing the design of a short-form video template is all about unleashing your creative freedom. You have the power to tailor every detail to your liking, from choosing vibrant colors, eye-catching fonts, and the perfect layout that matches your unique style. With just a few clicks, you can make your video template truly your own, ensuring it resonates with your message and captivates your audience. This level of personalization allows you to create stunning, one-of-a-kind visuals that reflect your individuality and make your content stand out in the world of short-form videos.

Hey There! I'm Melissa.

I can’t wait to see how God uses Sermon Shots to partner with your church! I am here to help you make your Church more visible and make it simple!
My passion for leading worship began as a youth and led to my decision to attend Lee University, where I traveled the country with Lee Singers. I am excited to start a new season of ministry helping churches to reach people through their online presence, sharing the gospel with as many people as possible.

The proof is in the pudding and our customers have a lot to say!


2 Free clips

2 Free Clips from your Sermon
We make them for you
Very fast turn around time

Unlimited Sermonshots
10 hours of video uploads per month
Download full sermon transcript
Priority support

Unlimited Sermonshots
20 hours of video uploads per month
Download full sermon transcript
Priority support

We do it 100% for you
3 Clips Each Week
1st Clip Guaranteed by Monday
All 3 Clips by Wednesday
Personal Rep